Iranian World Studies Association-  News
Re-reading the dual spacization paradigm and the future of culture in the world

Clear images and colors  | Post date: 2019/11/20 | 
The 9th lecture from the UNESCO chair lecture series took place at the Faculty of World Sciences on 3rd January 2017. Dual Spacization makes up a total of 64 papers and books published by Dr SaiedReza Ameli’s work in this field. This lecture on “Re-reading The Dual Spacization Paradigm and The Future of Culture in The World” was presented by Dr Shah Qasemi who gave a brief introduction about the topic before the lecture. Dr Ameli began his lecture by giving a brief history about his research in the field of dual-spaces and its progress during the past years. He added many research topics including MA and PhD researches are now focusing on dual spacization and are paving the way for new horizons in this paradigm. Ameli believes Dual Spacization is a phenomenon which falls under the logic of repetition, by which all the elements of wind, air, water and forests and even other planets will be connected to computer devices and the universe will be far more computerized than it is today. Culture is an important issue according to Ameli and to control or guide it by focusing on the dual spacization paradigm and wield it towards local social norms is the solution to harness the threats of un-controlled freedoms of cyberspace and social networks.
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