Iranian World Studies Association-  News
“The economical war between Russia and the West” held

Clear images and colors  | Post date: 2017/12/6 | 
The department of Russian, Central Asian and Caucasian Studies held a lecture panel on the current economical war going on between Russia and the Western countries on 5th December 2017. Igor Makarov presented a lecture the sanctions of the West against Russia and its effects on the Russian economy.
Makarov categorized the sanctions in to five groups of IT and technology, oil and gas, finance and banking, arms, Crimea and diplomatic figures. These sanctions include prevention of extracting oil from the North Pole and negotiations for new exporting contracts and ending ongoing agreements. Makarov added that the sanctions had brought problems on the Russian government, repaying some of its debts as the financial sanctions had forced a drop in the Russian currency (Rouble).
Dr Jahangir Karami also spoke at the vent, analyzing the complex issued between Russia and the US and explained: four issues remain unresolved between Russia and the US to date: Syria, Ukraine, Defense Shield and the sanctions against Russia.
He explored the issued further by comparing Iran and Russia. How joining the WTO had affected the economy of the two states and how each states deals with the sanctions in different ways. The lecture ended with a Q and A session between the audience and the panel.
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